In a determined effort to maximise the thrill of my cinema experience I’d deliberately stayed away from any media coverage of T2 Trainspotting, other than reading an interview with Robert Carlyle in which he made it clear that the actors were nervous when it finally came to making the sequel. The cast knew exactly what this film meant to people, themselves included; they had to get it right. A really important point to note, I think, is that to really get T2 Trainspotting you need to have seen the first one. I suppose if you hadn’t seen the original, you could still follow the story to an extent but it would lack any kind of depth and would be just another film you’d whiled away a few hours by watching. As the next step on from that, to fully indulge in the gritty sentimentality offered up by T2 Trainspotting you need to have some kind of relationship with the original, a relationship most likely formed by having seen the original at some defining point in your life and thereby having the film forever bookmarked alongside that particular point in your life story. [Click link below to read more....]
August 2019
Nicki Ranger is a freelance writer currently based in Perth, Western Australia. Small Print
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